2025.02.16 (일)

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기상청 제공


President Yoon meets with UN Secretary-General Guterres

Strengthening solidarity to promote international peace

By Kayla Lee


President Yoon Suk-yeol, who is in New York to attend the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, met with UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the UN Secretariat and exchanged views on Korea-United Nations cooperation, the Korean Peninsula, and the war in Ukraine on the afternoon of September 19.


President Yoon emphasized the importance of global solidarity, centered on the United Nations, in today's era of complex crises, and expressed his determination to play a responsible role befitting our international status. 


In particular, he expressed his country's willingness to actively contribute to the promotion of peace in the international community as a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the 2024-25 term. President Yoon also outlined our plans to contribute to the peaceful settlement of Ukraine, one of the world's most pressing issues.


On the other hand, President Yoon said he looks forward to continuing to work with the United Nations to prevent North Korea's provocations and ensure that the human rights situation in North Korea improves substantially.


Mr. Guterres expressed his appreciation for the Korean government's activities and contributions to the United Nations, and looked forward to closer communication on key international issues during South Korea's non-permanent membership of the Security Council. 


Mr. Guterres also reaffirmed his commitment to working together to denuclearize North Korea and improve human rights in North Korea.


This was the third meeting between President Yoon and Secretary-General Guterres, and it is considered an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between the two sides on North Korea and other global issues, as well as on bilateral cooperation between Korea and the United Nations.