2024.10.31 (목)

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기상청 제공


President Yoon meets with key members of the National Unity Committee

Sharing the purpose and values of national unity

By Lee Jon-young


President Yoon Suk-yeol hosted a dinner on Oct. 17 at the Cheong Wa Dae guesthouse with more than 90 people, including civilian and government members of the National Unity Committee (first and second terms), four leaders of the People Power Party, the presiding officers and secretaries of the National Assembly, and the secretary and chief of staff of the presidential office.

The dinner was organized as a forum for informal communication and harmony among key members of the National Unity Committee, and to share the purpose, direction, and values of national unity among the National Unity Committee, the government, and the ruling party. 



The dinner also served as a meeting between the newly elected Chairman of the People Power Party Yoo Eui-dong, Secretary General Lee Man-hee and the members of the National Unity Committee.

Prior to the dinner, the President took a commemorative photo with the attendees and encouraged them.


The President explained the meaning of the dinner, saying, "This is an opportunity to thank those who have served on the National Unity Committee and to ask those who are newly serving on the National Unity Committee to work harder."


"National unity is based on certain values, and our values are our constitutional norms," the President said, "and underlying them is the spirit of freedom and solidarity."


The President also emphasized that "it is difficult to achieve national unity if we have the idea that 'I am more expert because I have been in the bureaucracy for decades, so I know everything, even if I don't have to come from the outside,'" referring to the policy recommendations of the first committee shared at the last cabinet meeting. 


"National unity is not just about having expertise, but we need to empathize with the real difficulties," the President said, adding, "I would like to ask our party and the Cabinet to read the various policy recommendations of the Commission with some interest, and to read them carefully in the areas they are interested in and in the areas they are in charge of."


The President concluded by saying, "I hope that the National Unity Committee, the party and I will be able to use this evening to reinforce our resolve to do whatever it takes to make our people love our constitution and our system."


Following the President's dinner, Kim Han-gil, Chairman of the National Unity Committee, said that the President is the most tireless worker I have ever seen, and that if the National Unity Committee and the party government cooperate more and work in deeper harmony, it will give great strength to the success of the Republic of Korea and the President, and proposed a toast with grape juice, saying "National unity starts with us."


Lee Hae-sun, Chairman of the Planning Subcommittee of the National Unity Committee for the second term, then made a toast with wine, saying that the National Unity Committee will strive to make Korea a Wonder People Korea with the People Power Party.


The dinner also featured presentations by government and private members of the KNC.


Minister Lee Sang-min of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety said that he would implement the policies and recommendations made by the committee members on the ground as an oversight ministry, and Minister Yoo In-chon of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said that he would travel around the country to convey the sincerity of the National Unity Committee to the people.


Kim Ki-hyun, leader of the Bareun Nationalist Party, said that the National Unity Commission will leave a better mark on history than any other commission in the past, and that his party will support it. 

Yoon Jae-ok, the leader of the People Power Party, also said that his party will actively support the National Unity Committee so that the government can be remembered as the one that has made the most efforts and achieved the most results in national unity.