2025.02.27 (목)

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기상청 제공


Korea, Peru sign an agreement on climate change cooperation

Signed by Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul and his Peruvian counterpart Javier González-Olaechea

By Jon  Lee | On June 9, Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul signed the Agreement on Climate Change Cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Peru with Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Javier González-Olaechea, who is visiting Korea to attend the 2024 Forum on Future Cooperation between Korea and Latin America (June 10). 


Recognizing that the severe impacts of climate change will only intensify in the coming years, the two ministers emphasized the need to urgently step up climate action during this decade, which is a critical time for action. 



They also reaffirmed their commitment to implement their respective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to help achieve the goal of keeping global warming to 1.5℃ under the Paris Agreement. 


The Agreement aims to lay the foundation for enhanced comprehensive cooperation between the two countries in combating climate change, strengthening their capacities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change, and supporting their transition to sustainable, low-carbon and resilient economies. 


Based on the Agreement, the two countries pledged to strengthen practical cooperation on climate change, including accelerating the low-carbon transition in energy, industry, transportation, and agriculture, exchanging climate-related policies and technologies, and capacity-building activities. 


The Agreement is also expected to lay an important foundation for the implementation of the international mitigation of greenhouse gases under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, contributing to the achievement of both countries' NDCs and strengthening the response to the global climate crisis. 



The signing of this agreement marks an important step toward the common goal of combating climate change.


Minister Cho expressed his appreciation to Peru for its continued friendship as a comprehensive strategic partner and participation in the Korea-Latin America Future Cooperation Forum, and looked forward to expanding bilateral cooperation through Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea's visit. 


In response, Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea expressed his pleasure at witnessing the development of Korea-Peru bilateral cooperation over the years and handed over to President Yoon Suk-yeol an invitation from Peruvian President Dina Boluarte to attend the APEC Leaders' Meeting in November this year and an invitation to visit Peru on the same occasion. 


The two ministers praised the expansion of trade and investment, which has increased by more than 80 percent since the Korea-Peru Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entered into force in 2011, and the active presence of Korean companies in Peru, and reaffirmed Peru's support for Korea's application for associate membership in the Pacific Alliance (PA) and Korea's support for Peru's application for membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 

Cho then requested Peru's active cooperation in the successful completion of the new airport project (totaling USD 570 million), which will serve as a gateway to Machu Picchu as a symbol of Korea-Peru infrastructure cooperation. 


In response, Gonzalez-Olaechea said that the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will actively consult with the relevant ministries to ensure its smooth completion, and requested Korea's interest in Peru's major national projects, including the construction of the port of Corio. 


Reception in honor of Foreign Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea


In honor of H.E. Javier González-Olaechea Franco, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, who is visiting Korea, Ambassador of Peru to Korea Paul Duclos held a reception at the Residence of Ambassador of Peru in Itaewon-dong, Seoul on June 11. 

More than 70 foreign and domestic guests, including foreign ambassadors, senior diplomats, high-ranking government officials, business leaders, and their spouses attended the event filled with great festivity.

Among those on the event were Isabel Teresa Di Carlo Quero, Charge d'Affaires a.i. of Venezuela, and Federico Cuello Camilo, ambassador of Dominican Republic.