2024.07.01 (월)

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기상청 제공


South Korea’s Beauty (Folk Painting Series 3)

Story about Chunghyo (Filial Piety)

 By Kayla Lee |  The Diplomatic Journal and the UN Journal are publishing a series of articles on folk paintings in both Korean and English to introduce Korean folk paintings to the world. –Ed. 



"A heart that is loyal and wants to serve the country has no two minds."


This means that a person who is willing to serve the country is pure in heart and has no other thoughts. It shows that loyalty to the country is unwavering. Loyalty is a state of mind that transcends personal interests and is solely dedicated to the country. It means that you don't care about your own well-being, but strive for the prosperity and stability of the country.



"Extreme filial piety touches the heavens, and its sincerity is only from the heart."


It means that extreme filial piety toward one's parents can touch the heavens, and its sincerity means that there is no other heart.


Filial piety is the virtue of practicing love and respect for parents and is a fundamental value for family harmony and social stability. Filial piety for parents is not just an obligation, but a sincere and heartfelt love and care.


Both of these passages highly value loyalty and filial piety, emphasizing the unwavering, pure, and sincere nature of one's feelings toward one's country and parents, respectively. Loyalty and filial piety are important virtues in Eastern thought, forming the moral foundation of individuals and societies. These teachings serve as important guidelines for our lives and play a vital role in realizing a humane life.