2024.09.20 (금)

  • 흐림동두천 27.5℃
  • 흐림강릉 25.6℃
  • 흐림서울 30.1℃
  • 흐림대전 29.3℃
  • 흐림대구 30.5℃
  • 구름많음울산 27.2℃
  • 구름많음광주 30.9℃
  • 구름조금부산 28.9℃
  • 구름조금고창 30.2℃
  • 제주 26.8℃
  • 구름많음강화 25.6℃
  • 구름많음보은 26.7℃
  • 구름많음금산 25.5℃
  • 흐림강진군 25.0℃
  • 구름많음경주시 27.9℃
  • 구름조금거제 28.2℃
기상청 제공


Exhibition by Hwang Seo-hyeon, a mid-career artist representing Korea of this era

Highly colored flexible infiltration of the surface layer using natural materials from nature

Reporter Lee Jeong-ha's special series


Nature is the subject of Hwang Seo-hyeon's deepest interest, and her recent pictorial explorations of nature as a motif can be seen as an interest in cosmic life and a journey into the contemporary possibilities of bioaesthetics.


Using her own unique materials and compositions, the smearing of dyes and the texture of natural objects, the artist extracts the intrinsic beauty inherent in the associations of various expressions of nature based on the most Korean sensibilities, and in order to express the pulsating form of life, she induces the color of the color scheme through the absorption of simple paints with paints of natural materials on Hanji, and weaves the resulting works together in harmony with each other.



The artist's latest series of works are three-dimensional works that utilize objects that are woven and tied together as a technique to attach materials as a metaphorical expression of the inner existence of the self that is blooming and full. 



She chooses the simple forms, textures, and colors of natural materials as the components of her works, and transforms the world of objects with shapes, intuition, and color to materialize the world of ideas about objects that we usually have.




By breaking away from the flat surface of “Hanji” and borrowing the natural smudging of natural materials, she expands the realm of the inner world based on the sculptural language that connects the differences between each other, creating another entity and expressing the created ideology in an artistic form.



Using natural materials taken from nature, the realistic reproductive colors of transparent pale tones by the flexible infiltration of high color on the surface layer, and the objects leading to the overlapping of the overlapping colors, are beyond the realm of painting on the flat surface itself and establish another genre of non-figurative painting.


The artist, who analogizes nature to the primordial essence of life, deconstructs and reinterprets Hanji and binds them together, leading to the realm of new birth, where the amazing aura of life that blooms inexorably is conveyed to the viewers off the screen in a full and overflowing manner.



The work appropriately expresses the visible and the invisible, processing them as lightly as possible to create a transparent and infinite sense of space, giving birth to a transcendent space that gives mystery to the abyss with the sunshine emanating from the unity of the fluid that permeates the paper.


The seeps, smears, and gatherings that enter this space become crystallized, and as the creation of a new being and a change in consciousness, in Matier's expression, the expression and composition of the image, the relationship between expression and materials, and the changes in methods are dazzling with techniques and claims, and regardless of the current and environment, the artist keeps herself silent and accompanies life.

With the sincerity of filling the canvas in a simple way, she approaches the essence of nature and forms the reason inherent in objects and phenomena with her own unique and sharp insight.

Artist Hwang Seo-hyeon: 
Painter exhibition met by a poet (Art World), Plastic Arts PLAS (Coex),
Spring Garden (Risu Gallery), SIGNATURE on the Exhibition, 
Rose anthem association, 2018 KOREA LIVE FRANCE(Rouen, France),
LATTICE 8 People Story Exhibition (Miso Gallery), THE HERITAGE (2017),
JoongAng Ilbo America Gallery Group Exhibition (LA), PAPER ART Special Exhibition (Paper Art Museum),
Ansan Fire Department 2 Person Exhibition (Fire Gallery), 3.1 Movement 100th Anniversary Exhibition (Korea Museum of Art),
Jwadouseo special exhibition (Danwon Museum of Art), Korea National Exhibition Invitation Exhibition (Korea Museum of Art),
Lara Gallery Opening Invitational Exhibition, Korea Art Festival (Onse Art Center, inaugural exhibition),
Hiz Art Fair Booth Solo Exhibition (Insa Art Plaza), Korean Race Exchange Exhibition (Korea Mugunghwa Art Association),
World Peace Art Invitational Exhibition, Our Neighborhood Art Museum (The Gallery),
Korean Art Association Invitational Exhibition (Arts Center of Korea), and New Year's Project Invitational Exhibition (Yudal Museum of Art),
Korean Race Association Exhibition (Korea Museum of Art), SUMMER ART FESTIVAL (Lotte World Diver Hall),
Korea Art Festa (Byeolcheonji Land), Rose Anthem Exhibition (Hyean Gallery),
Art Fair Exhibition (Singapore), OpeningHanecial, invitational exhibition (Gallery Hyuan),
Solo exhibition at ACAF booth (Hangaram Museum of Art), "Making Everyday Life Bloom" solo booth exhibition (Risu Gallery),
"INTO THE MEMORY" Invitational Solo Exhibition (Caruna Gallery) 2020

Present) Invited artist for Korean art, invited artist for Danwon Art Festival
   Invited artist for World Peace Art, Selected artist for Traditional Crafts Competition

Awards) Manhae Han Yong-woon Art Exhibition Excellence Award, Gyeonggi Art Exhibition Award
     Paper Crafts Competition Artist of the Year Award,
     Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award for World Peace Art

Place of her works: Department of Justice, Carson City, USA.